
The CO2 Impact of International Visitors to the Netherlands: A Deeper Insight

NBTC's recent publication delves into the CO2 impact of foreign visitors to the Netherlands, aiming to provide comprehensive data for governments and destination marketing organisations.

Eelco Snip
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The published information is crucial for understanding not only the economic, but also the social and ecological impact of tourism, helping to make informed decisions for sustainable development.

Key Findings:

Carbon Emissions Breakdown:

  • Transport to the Netherlands: Accounts for 57% of total emissions, with air travel being particularly significant. Although only 28% of visitors arrive by plane, it constitutes 71% of transport-related carbon emissions, highlighting the disproportionate impact of air travel. Car travel, used by over half of the visitors, contributes much less to emissions.
  • Accommodation: Represents 26% of total emissions, covering hotels, campsites, and other lodging options.
  • Transport during stay: Makes up 17% of total emissions, including travel to various activities and attractions within the country.

Country of Origin:

  • The publication covers visitors from eleven major countries, including Germany, Belgium, the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Austria, Sweden, and the USA. In 2022, 12.8 million guests from these countries visited the Netherlands, with an average stay of seven days.
  • Carbon emissions vary significantly by country. For instance, American visitors, despite comprising only 8% of the total number of overnight guests, are responsible for 33% of total emissions due to long-haul flights.


  • This metric, which measures the economic return per kilogram of CO2 emitted, reveals that Belgian visitors have the highest eco-efficiency (€2.76 per kilo of CO2). In contrast, American visitors have an eco-efficiency of less than €1 per kilo, despite their higher overall expenditure during their stay.

Future Perspective:

The publication offers vital insights to help policymakers and destination marketers make well-considered choices for the future of tourism in the Netherlands, balancing economic benefits with ecological impacts. NBTC is committed to refining and expanding its data collection and analysis, supporting the tourism sector in striving for greater sustainability and contributing to the broader social goals of the Netherlands.

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